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  • 2015. Democratizing Inequalities: Dilemmas of the New Public Participation (with Caroline Lee and Edward Walker, eds.), NYU Press, 2015

  • 2012. Remaking Urban Citizenship: Organizations, Institutions, and the Right to the City (with Michael Peter Smith, eds.), Transaction, 2012.

Academic Articles

  • 2022. (with Nuno F. da Cruz, Philipp Rode, Nicole Badstuber, and Enora Robin) "Networked Urban Governance: A Socio-spatial analysis of transport strategies in London and New York." Urban Affairs Review, 1-42

  • 2018. (with Nuno F. da Cruz and Philipp Rode) "New urban governance: A review of current themes and future priorities, Journal of Urban Affairs, 41(1): 1-19.

  • 2017. "The revolt of the rust belt: Place and politics in the age of anger." British Journal of Sociology, 68(S1): 120-152.

  • 2013. (with Naresh Fernandes and Cassim Shepard) "The field of struggle, the office, and the flat: Protest and aspiration in a Mumbai slum". Public Culture, 25(2): 315-348.

  • 2013. (with Nicole Marwell) "People, place, and system: Organizations and the renewal of urban social theory". ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 647 (1): 126-143.

  • 2013. "Community organizations in the foreclosure crisis: The failure of neoliberal civil society." Politics and Society, 41(1): 73-101.

  • 2013. "No contest: Participatory technologies and the transformation of urban authority." Public Culture, 25(1): 143-175.

  • 2011. (with Norman Krumholz) "Institutionalized social skill and the rise of mediating organizations in urban governance: The case of the Cleveland Housing Network". Housing Policy Debate, 21(3): 421-442.

  • 2009. (with Nicole Marwell) "The missing organizational dimension in urban sociology". City and Community, 8(3): 247-268.

  • 2008. (with Doug Guthrie) "Providing for the public good: Corporate-community relations in the era of the receding welfare state". City and Community, 7(2): 113-139.

  • 2005. (with Doug Guthrie) "Privatization and low-income housing in the United States since 1986". Research in Political Sociology, 14: 15-51.


  • 2022. (with Benjamin Case) Majority Rules: The Battle for Ballot Initiatives, Research Report of the Center for Work and Democracy, Arizona State University


  • 2020. “Race and Participation in the Neoliberal City: Black Politics in Cleveland, 1965-2010. In Thomas Sugrue and Andrew Diamond (eds.), Neoliberal Cities: The Remaking of Postwar Urban America. NYU Press.

  • 2015. “Rising Participation and Declining Democracy” (with Caroline Lee and Edward Walker). Pp. 3-23 in Michael McQuarrie, Caroline Lee, and Edward Walker (eds.), Democratizing Inequalities: Dilemmas of the New Public Participation. NYU Press.

  • 2015. “Realizing the Promise of Public Participation in an Age of Inequality” (with Caroline Lee and Edward Walker). Pp. 247-250 in Michael McQuarrie, Caroline Lee, and Edward Walker (eds.), Democratizing Inequalities: Dilemmas of the New Public Participation. NYU Press.

  • 2015. “No Contest: Participatory Technologies and the Transformation of Urban Authority.” Pp. 83-101 in in Michael McQuarrie, Caroline Lee, and Edward Walker (eds.), Democratizing Inequalities: Dilemmas of the New Public Participation. NYU Press.

  • 2013. “Postindustrial Society.” In Vicki Smith, ed. Sociology of Work. Thousand Oaks: Sage, pp. 694-696.

  • 2012. (With Michael Peter Smith) “Introduction,” pp. 1-10 in Michael Peter Smith and Michael McQuarrie, eds. Remaking Urban Citizenship: Organizations, Institutions, and the Right to the City. Piscataway, NJ: Transaction.

  • 2012. (With Craig Calhoun) “The Reluctant Counterpublic.” Pp. 152-181 in Craig Calhoun, The Roots of Radicalism: Tradition, the Public Sphere, and Early Nineteenth-Century Social Movements. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

  • 2010. “Nonprofits and the Reconstruction of Urban Governance: Housing Production and Community Development in Cleveland, 1975-2005.” Pp. 237-268 in Elisabeth Clemens and Doug Guthrie, eds., Politics and Partnerships: Associations and Nonprofit Organizations in American Governance. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

  • 2009. “Community Development Organizations.” In The International Encyclopedia of Civil Society, edited by Helmut Anheier and Stefan Toepler. New York: Springer

  • 2007. (With Craig Calhoun) “Public Discourse and Political Experience: T.J. Wooler and Transformations of the Public Sphere in Early 19th Century Britain.” Pp. 197-239 in Alex Benchimol and Willy Maley, eds. Spheres of Influence: Intellectual Publics and Public Intellectuals from Milton to Habermas, Frankfurt: Peter Lang AG.

  • 2006. (With Doug Guthrie) “Houses for the Poor and New Business for Banks: The Creation of a Market for Affordable Housing.” Pp. 249-258 in Business Solutions for Addressing Global Poverty, John Quelch and Kash Rangan, eds. Hoboken: Jossey-Bass

Essays, Op-Eds, Blogs, Interviews

  • 2022. (with Benjamin Case) "The Left Won Big with Ballot Initiatives. That's Why They're under Attack." Jacobin, November 17, 2022.

  • 2022. (with Benjamin Case) "Ballot Initiatives Reveal a Battle Between Voters and Legislators." LSE USApp, November 2, 2022.

  • 2022. (with Benjamin Case) "Ballot Initiatives are the Hidden Voting Rights Issue in this Election Cycle." Jacobin, October 28, 2022.

  • 2020. "Attacking Police Unions Will Hurt the Whole Labor Movement." Washington Post, June 11.

  • 2019. "Meet Your Council: Michael McQuarrie." Work in Progress Blog, January 28.

  • 2017. "Reflecting on Michael McQuarrie's 'Revolt of the Rust Belt'", LSE USAPP Blog, November 21.

  • 2017. "Michael McQuarrie on Writing for Blogs", LSE Impact of Social Sciences Blog, November 17.

  • 2017. "Resistances and Authoritarian Threat." Mobilizing Ideas, July 24.

  • 2016. “How the Rust Belt Delivered Trump a Presidency.” Newsweek Online, November 16.

  • 2016. "The Revolt of the Rust Belt: A Closer Analysis of Trump's Victory." Public Seminar, November 15.

  • 2016. “Trump’s Victory and the Revolt of the Rust Belt.”, November 14.

  • 2016. "Trump and the Revolt of the Rust Belt." LSE USAPP Blog, November 11, 2016.

  • 2016. “From Solidarity to Trump: White Working-Class Culture in the Rust Belt.” New Politics Online, August 19.

  • 2014. "Democratizing Inequalities." openDemocracy, March 25.

  • 2014. "Financial Destruction in Detroit." Shelterforce Blog, February 4.

  • 2014. "The Making of the English Working Class and Social Movement Studies Fifty Years Later." Mobilizing Ideas, January 7.

  • 2013. "Feature Essay: The Books that Inspired Michael McQuarrie: Mike Davis' Work Connected with My Own Experience of Urban Transformation in New York." LSE Review of Books, December 8.

  • 2013. "Take Note: Berlin Thrives with a Declining Population and a Housing Surplus." Shelterforce Blog, December 4.

  •  2013. “What Mumbai’s Slums Do Right, And Why We Should Emulate Them.”  Shelterforce (Winter).

  • 2013. "In India, Large-Scale Housing Solutions Don't Work." Shelterforce Blog, August 13.

  • 2013. "Detroit: Exception or Rule?" Shelterforce Blog, July 24.

  •  2013. “Sexual Danger and the Indian Transformation.” The Hindu (op-ed), January 11.

  •  2012. “Beyond The Walls.” Hindustan Times (op-ed), April 22.

  •  2010. “ESOP Rises Again.” Shelterforce, 161 (Spring)

  • 2009. "CDCs Must Recognize Changing Conditions." Shelterforce Blog, January 31.

  •  2008. “Running on Empty.” Shelterforce, 153 (Spring)

  •  2007. “A Conversation with Craig Calhoun,” ESS Notes, 21, 4

  •  2006. “Knowledge Production, Publicness, and the Structural Transformation of the University: An Interview with Craig Calhoun,” Thesis Eleven, 84: 103-114

© 2021 by Michael McQuarrie

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